Monday, February 6, 2012

My Interview With Emperor Qin

Q: How do you feel knowing that you unified China?

A: Truthfully, I feel great. For the rest of my life I will always have that feeling inside of me knowing that I did something not only for myself but for all the people in China. I made this Empire a great place for China and all of it’s people. That will stay with me forever and never be taken away.

Q: What gave you the idea of building The Long Wall?
A: As you should know the Mongols are a threat to our empire. I want to protect our empire and the best way to do that is to build better defenses. Our people don’t deserve to be over run by the Mongols. They deserve better than this and better is what they will get. Everyone just wait and see I always have a trick up my sleeve.

Q: After you united, what made you standardize and add many things so quickly?
A: I felt a surge of energy running through my body telling me that I had to make decisions quick. After I united China, I thought why stop now. Now I have nothing to lose, no one to fight. I standardized our writing system, made a network of roads extending to 4,000 miles, and many others things. I standardized the writing system so that no matter who you talked to you could understand each other. I did the same thing with measurements. I could finally do what was right for my empire.

Q: How do you feel about you chancellor Li Si?
A: I feel pretty good about my Chancellor Li Si. He comes back with excellent reports. Li Si is also doing a great job overseeing the construction of the huge network of roads. He has been my chancellor for over ten years and I have full faith in him.

Q: Thank you for your time. Just one last question. What are you plans for the future?
A: As you should already know I believe in immortality. Right as we speak someone is making me a pill for me to take that will make me live forever. One thing inside of it is mercury. Once it does it’s job I will be able to live forever. I will be China’s Emperor for all eternity. Thank you for interviewing me.

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